Today WAS THE DAY. The day we were all waiting... the main reason for coming here.. WEDDING DAY!
It was the wedding day of my second cousin & his now wife :) :) So cute! I don't know him well but I met him for the first time when I first started vacationing in Vietnam. MAN weddings are so emotionally overwhelming, in a good way! I must admit at one point I felt a little choked up LOL. I'm such a sucker for these things. I know for a fact I'll cry during my wedding just cause... when I watch "say yes to the dress" I cry sometimes because I'm so happy for them !
Woke up at 4am (which was horrible especially since I didn't sleep till 11 yesterday because my cousin stayed so late) and then got ready and went to my second cousin's mom's (which I think makes her my first cousin once removed?) house. They said to be there at 6 ish because we were leaving the house at 630 to go get the bride etcetc. some Asian tradition stuff (which I will have to read up on!) BUT in true Asian fashion, we didn't actually leave until 830 , maybe even 9. Seriously. I could've had more sleep man!! At any rate, I love this food place right by the house (I sometimes stay there when I'm in the city but since there's a wedding this year, others who came before us stayed there). So I had to get my faves!
wonton soup & che dau xanh !!
Unfortunately I didn't catch how much this way. BUT SO GOOD. Anyway we left to go to my second cousin's dad's house first. There were tables with some chocolate, water, coke and watermelon seeds (gua ji). Boo , I just looked through my pics and I have none of the tables .. oh well :P hahah it's nothing really special just a bunch of tables with stools around it and we just sat around it hahaha. Then we went off to get the bride!! Which was also the ceremony.
Aw! Happy couple :)
It was kind of weird though. I didn't even know what was happening and then suddenly he just pulled out the rings and put them on each other... LOL no vows were exchanged, no papers were signed then (maybe they signed them later or they will on a later date) I don't know. I've never been to an Asian-based wedding before so I have no idea how the traditions work etc. After this we ate some buns and drank more pop / water.
I had the small rounder ones and those ones were similar to pate chaud. it was pretty good. I wish it was a bit flakier though. No biggie!
After this we went back to my second cousin's dad's house to eat snacks again and do a tea ceremony for his now-wife's family, then we ate lunch. The lunch was alright, but it was awkward cause we sat with people we didn't know LOL (and hence why no pictures). Anyways.... then we went back to his mom's house to do a tea ceremony for his side of family (aka us!) Then we were finally all done!.......... at 3 pm LOL. Long long day.
I went to my cousin's place and we went to go get our hair done for the dinner at night. I wanted my hair to look like this but they didn't really know how so they persevered and sort of did it. This is what it ended up looking like.
Not bad I guess, but not entirely what I wanted. Anyhow here's more wedding photos!
Party Favours!
When I saw the thing in the little box, the first thing that popped into my head was that chocolate store thing I said I saw in theday 6 post! hahah
This was our center piece:) So pretty!! The lights turned on when food was served.
This is the newlyweds pouring champagne into a tower of glasses (which I assume has dry ice in it?) which started giving off smoke :P
They cut their cake really fast... like to the point to where I didn't get a chance to get a picture :(
ONTO FOOD which is always the best part of weddings!! hahaha
This was our setting LOL
Appetizer. It had shrimp on a sugar cane, something similar to sweet and sour pork, fruit with shrimp in a mayo sauce and a bell pepper and squid stir fry.
Isn't the center piece cool? LOL It has the candle on the top and then underneath was just some dry ice.
Unlike in Western weddings I've been to, here they bring you the plates and scoop out the portions for you and then hand you a plate.
sweet corn soup
Chicken with a mushroom and gogi berry sauce
I had to wait SO long for them to get to the breast... it was seriously the last piece they grabbed LOL. It was really good though!
steamed fish
heineken LOL
salt and pepper shrimp
They were pretty big!
LOL I only ate the bokchoy, I don't really care for baby corn.
fried rice. I didn't eat this because I was full.
dessert. also didn't eat haha
There was a lot of entertainment last night LOL. mostly a lot of people singing. The funniest thing was when one of the guys kept on saying "ding ding ding ding ding" over and over. Because it was funny the first time but then he kept on doing it. I was thinking k stop it's not funny anymore and then he'll do it again LOL! The violinist/guitar/piano trio were really good!
The night ended at around 1030 ish. Luckily it was in my hotel so I could just go upstairs and shower right away HAHA. Anyways that was my whole day !!
HORRIBLE mosquito bites. I got a TON just sitting at my cousins. two on my lower left calf, one right by the ball of my foot, one on the top of another foot, one on the side of my achilles tendon, another one by the ball of my foot on the other foot, and one more on the back of my calf. like seriously mosquitoes. is it because I'm from Canada LOL
Anyways this post is so pic heavy LOL and I don't really have much to say but congrats to my second cousin and have a happy and lifelong marriage! <3<3
Thanks for reading friends! :)
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