Hey ya'll! So I just received my Glymm box on Feb 23, and I thought I'd share it with you! If you don't know what a Glymm box is, it's basically a box that gets sent to you monthly with a bunch of samples inside. It's $10 for a box and you create a beauty profile, so that they can pick out samples to suit your needs (or at least the correct colours to your liking). This is my first box, so I'm not sure if the company is consistent in picking out good samples for you. I've also signed up for Topbox, which is the same idea, however, the demand for this box is higher than supply, so there's actually a waiting list. I got lucky a couple weeks ago, when they opened up another chance to purchase their subscriptions. It took forever (I was sitting in my IMIN200 class, not even paying attention while trying to get it) but in the end, I ended up scoring one ...... FOR JUNE. Long wait, but I think it'll be worth it! I'm just really happy that I ended up getting one. Anyways... onto the Glymm !
Cute pink mailing box!
Cute packaging - very sturdy
4 items in this box!

card that tells you what's in the Glymm box
Sula natural eyeshadow - Purple Haze ($8.00)
Burts Bees Tinted Lip Balm - Hibiscus ($7.99)
GlamGlow Tingling & Exfoliating Mask *sample size* Full size $78.00
Mai Couture 2-1 Blotting/Bronzing Paper *2 sheets* Full size (100 sheets) $24.00
I haven't tried out the eyeshadow yet, but I will today before I go to work. I have tried to take swatch pictures of it but it's really hard without the camera I usually use... (NTS: must find it). Here's my best attempt:
Sula Natural EyeShadow - Purple Haze
It's the lighter purple on top, I used Virgin&Naked (from my UD naked palette), as well as a dark purple from a Lancome quad and lined it with UD 24/7 eyeliner in Ransom
I like it! It held really well and it went on smoothly. It doesn't have much pigmentation but I guess since it's a lilac-y colour, I can't expect it to be too bold anyway.
I really like the Burt's Bees lip balm! The colour is absolutely perfect for my lips & makes them look extremely natural.
face picture! my lips are usually more dull looking :P
The other two I have not used yet. I will use the mask tonight though!
Okay that's it for now. Phew, this was really hard to do since I haven't used some of the products..
Thanks for reading ! :)
yay, you started a blog :) let me know if you need help with widgets and things. i have some great links! it'll be helpful if you have different ways to follow, cuz the google friend connect will be partially dc'd shortly!